
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Background of the Study

            In this chapter, the researcher discusses about, background of the study that informs the reason why he conducts this study, statement of the problems that includes some basic problems to investigate, purposes of the study that inform the objections of the study, significance of the study that inform the importance of the study, scope and limitation of the area of the study, and the last. Is definition of key terms that includes some key word used in the study

Background of the Study

    Literature is simply another way we can experience the world through imagination (Jones, 1968:1).  The contents of literature are such various things as the author’s thoughts, feeling, ideas, motion, and experience that become human interest.
    Literature is divided into several form such as prose, drama and poetry that later developed to a poem.  A poem is a kind of literary work written in verse, which has more things or material to explain, to make clear, to understand, to shape the new mind, and to give sense on the reality of life.  Many kinds of definition offered when talking about that word.  Many researchers and scientists give the meanings of poems based on the experience and the deep of knowledge that they have.  Although the definition is very various, but it will give a point and will play an important role in order to help the people in understanding the poem.
    Poetry is the kind of written literature, which is arranged in lines and in certain patterns.  There are two definitions of poetry given by Abrams (1979:292).  First, poetry is literary work in metrical from of patterned language.  Second, poetry is the art of rhyme composition, written of spoken, designed to produce pleasure through beautiful, elevated, and imaginative of profound thoughts. 
    As far as the literary works concerned, poetry is possibly the most difficult of all.  The cause is that poetry has special characteristics that are not generally found in prose (Volpe, 1967).  First, the normal word orders of ordinary speech are often inverted in poetry, deletions or omission of some words orders other than the correct, conventional ones.  These kinds of inversion, omission may  cause difficulties for the readers to understand the message of the poem.  Second, it is the diction.  The words applied in the poetry tend to be more connotative than that in prose.  This tendency is also supported by the common wide use of imaginary or figurative word such as metaphors.  Such features of diction in poetry serve other difficulties for the readers because the sense of the word is in the specific meaning in a given context.
    Diction is an aspect in poetry.  The term diction is literally defined as the choice and use of word.   However, this term has a broader sense in the literature.  Abrams (1960:163), states that the term diction signifies the kind of words, phrases, sentence structure, and figurative language that constitute any work of literature. 
    Diction is the word chosen by the poet to express his ideas and his feeling.  A word in a poem is used not only to connect between the reader and the poet, but also support an image and for connecting between the reader and the poet’s world imagination.  Diction refers to the language of a poem, and how each word is chosen to convey a precise meaning.  Poets are very deliberate in choosing each word for each word for its particular effect, therefore, so it is important to know the origins and connotations of the words in a poem, not to mention their literal meaning too (www. soyouwanna. com/site/syws/poem/poemfull).
    When we ask about the diction of a poem, we are asking the stylistic and tonal qualities of the words that the poet has chosen.  We are concerned with the vocabulary of the poems.  A good diction begins with this process of selection.  In discussing diction, we are much more interested in the selection of the words than in the exact ways in which these words are presented.  Analyzing diction, is no more than examining the appropriateness of the vocabulary within a given poem (Reaske, 1966:31-32).
    Poetic diction is the terms used to refer to the linguistic style, the vocabulary, and the metaphors used in the writing of poetry (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/poetic-diction).  Words create mood context, and for this purpose old sounding, old-fashioned or obsolete words have often been employed, even by the greatest of poets.  Nonetheless, in its cultivation of an egalitarian, conversational style, contemporary poetry avoids what it terms a “poetic diction” as something that harks back to earlier traditions, especially those of “fine writing” (http://bcs. bedfordstmartins. com/victualit/poetry/diction_def. html).
    The poetry of most ages has been written in a distinctive language, a “poetic diction”, which includes words, phrasing, and figures that are not current in the ordinary discourse of the time.  In modern discussion, the term poetic diction is applied especially to poets who intentionally employ a diction that deviates not only from common speech, but also from the writing.  In the frequent use, meanwhile, poetic diction is applied to the poetry of a specific literary period to denote the special style developed in the period (Abrams, 169:163).
    We may see the diction is often used in many poems.  There are many poets reflect their feeling, their loneliness, or write their own life in poems.  One of the poets is Robert Lee Frost that was an American poet.  His work frequently drew inspiration from rural life in New England, using the setting to explore complex social and philosophical themes.  A popular and often-quoted poet, Frost was highly honored during his lifetime, receiving four Pulitzer Prizes.
    Robert Lee Frost was one of America’s leading 20th century poets.  Although his verse forms are traditional, he was a pioneer in the interplay of rhythms and meter and in the poetic use of the vocabulary and inflections of everyday speech.  His poetry is thus traditional and experimental, regional and universal (www.lieteratureclassics. com/essay/RobertFrost’slife/html).
    In 1912, at the age of 38, he sold the Derry farm and took his family to England, where he could devote himself to writing.  His efforts to establish himself and his work were almost immediately successful.  There he published his first collection of poems, A Boys Will.  It was followed a year later by North of Boston (1914), which gained international reputation.  The collection contains some of Frost’s best-known poems: Mending Wall, The Death of The Hired Man, Home Burial, A Servant to Servants, After Apple Picking, and The Wood-Pile.  The poems, written with blank verse or looser free verse of dialogue, were drawn from his own life, recurrent losses, everyday tastes, and his loneliness (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/RobertFrost’slife&works).
    This study discusses about kinds of diction in some of Robert Frost’s poems most of which are traditional poetry.  For these reason, the writer is interested in analyzing the diction especially on the Robert Frost’s poems.

1. 2      Problem of the Study
    1.  What kinds of diction on Robert Frost’s poems?
    2.  What is the most dominant of diction on Robert Frost’s poems?
1. 3     Purpose of the Study
        1. To find out the kinds of diction on Robert Frost’s poems.
2. To know what is the most dominant of diction on Robert Frost’s poems.

1. 4     Significant of the Study
The results of this study are expected to be able to provide readers with the kinds of poetic diction of Robert Frost’s poems.  The researcher hopes that the readers may easily understand the theme, contents, and the messages of Robert Frost’s poems.
        Furthermore, this study is written with the idea that it will be useful for students of Gajayana University, especially for literature students.  The writer hopes they can learn more on analysis diction in poem and can appreciate the Robert Frost’s poems.

1. 5    Scope and Limitation
Several values can be found in poetry such as imagery, figurative language, rhyme, rhythm, and diction.  This study scopes the discussion dealing with the kinds of the diction in some of Robert Frost’s poems.
    The limitation is the researcher cannot interact with the poet.  Therefore, all of the results of the study are based on the theories used by the researcher.  Hence, the results of the study are not perfect enough. 
1. 6    Theoretical Framework
    The study is based on the following theories.  Abrams (1969:163) states that the term diction signifies the kinds of words, phrases, sentences structure and figurative languages that constitute any work of literature.
    Diction is the process of using a word in poetry.  When we ask about the diction of a poem, we are inquiring into the stylistic and tonal qualities of the words that the poet has chosen.  We are concerned with the vocabulary of the poems.  A good diction begins with this process of selection.  In discussing diction, we are much more interested in the selection of the words than in the exact ways in which these words are presented.  Analyzing diction, is no more than examining the appropriateness of the vocabulary within a given poem (Reaske, 1966:31-32).
    Poetic diction is the terms used to refer to the linguistic style, the vocabulary, and the metaphors used in the writing of poetry (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/poetic-diction).  Words create mood context, and for this purpose old sounding, old-fashioned or obsolete words have often been employed, even by the greatest of poets.  Nonetheless, in its cultivation of an egalitarian, conversational style, contemporary poetry avoids what it terms a “poetic diction” as something that harks back to earlier traditions, especially those of “fine writing” (http/bcs. bedfordstmartins. com/victualit/poetry/diction_def. html).
1. 7    Definition of Key Term
In order to avoid unexpected misunderstanding toward the terms widely used in this study, the following are the definitions of the terms:
1.    Diction is the word chosen and arranged, then the meaning of the words can create an aesthetic imagination and the result of this is called diction of the poet (Barfield in Pradopo, 1987:54).
2.    Poetic diction is the term used to refer to the linguistic style, the vocabulary, and the metaphors used in the writing of poetry (http/en. wikipedia. org/wiki/poetic-diction, June 09, 2007).
3.    Poetry is composed of carefully chosen words expressing great depth of meaning (http://depts. gallaudet. edu/englishworks/literature/poetry. html).
4.    A poem is a piece of writing arranged in lines, used with a regular rhythm and often with a pattern of rhymes (Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, New Edition. p. 318).


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